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Emma Goldman Award 2022

Toni Haastrup

Toni Haastrup

An award-winning teacher, her research interests are varied and broadly explore the nature of global power hierarchies particularly between and within the so-called Global North and South in knowledge and practice. Theoretically, her research draws on decolonial thinking, ontological security and critical feminisms, and is inspired by collaboration with other scholars.

Recent research has examined Feminist Foreign Policy (FFP) in Europe; and contemporary Africa-EU relations. Her ongoing research interrogates the implementation global policy and normative framework, the Women, Peace, and Security (WPS) agenda by regional security institutions. Toni frequently provides expert commentary in print and broadcast media as part of her public scholarship sometimes lends expertise to international organisations like the World Bank, UN Women and European Union.

Toni is also interested in equality issues within the international studies field and serves in multiple board roles in the belief that change is possible; including ‘Women also know stuff’, as well as the British and International Studies associations. Toni is an active (co)organiser of related sessions and workshops.


  • Haastrup, T, Wright, KAM, Guerrina, R. 2021. Equalities in Freefall? Ontological Insecurity and the long-term Impact of COVID-19 in the Academy. Gender Work & Organization. 28: 163–167.

  • Haastrup, T, Ansorg, N and Wright, K 2021. Feminist Interventions on Foreign Policy and Diplomacy, in Confortini, C, et al. eds. Handbook of Feminist Peace Research (Routledge)

  • Haastrup, T 2019. WPS and the African Union in Davies, S and True, Jacqui Oxford Handbook on Women, Peace and Security (Oxford University Press) pp. 375-387

  • Haastrup, T. 2013. Charting Transformation through Security: Contemporary EU-Africa Relations (Palgrave MacMillan).

  • Haastrup, T, and Kirby, P 2021. It takes more than a diverse cabinet to advance a feminist foreign policy. Foreign Policy

  • Haastrup T, Bhambra G, Rutazibwa O, Smith K, Bell D, Persaud R, Bouka Y, Thakur V & Adem S 2020. Why Is Mainstream International Relations Blind to Racism? [Feminist Foreign Policy Cannot Ignore Race]. Foreign Policy


Tatev Hovhannisyan

Tatev Hovhannisyan

Tatev Hovhannisyan is a bright and bold Armenian feminist investigative journalist, currently working as the Europe and Eurasia editor of the Tracking the Backlash project of openDemocracy. She oversees the production of ambitious, cross-border investigative journalism and powerful storytelling that challenges power and inspires change. Her particular interest is tracking attacks on universal human rights and investigating the funding of anti-gender movements in Europe. This year, she was invited to speak for the European Parliament, gave a course on journalism at Oxford, was part of this year's Evens Foundation's Journalism Prize Jury in Brussels, and participated in academic conferences such as the Seville 2022 conference on De-democratisation, gender + and exclusion policies. She is also an invited lecturer at Yerevan Brusov State University of Languages and Social Sciences. Her writing has appeared in many international media outlets, such as the BBC, Euronews, the Guardian, Mother Jones, and she was interviewed for the iconic Ms. Magazine. She has a background in Oriental studies and journalism, and masters 5 languages. Tatev is also a mental health advocate and is initiating conversations about improving wellbeing in newsrooms.

Follow her on Twitter: @tahovhannisyan.

Patrizia Zanoni

Patrizia Zanoni

Patrizia Zanoni is Professor at Hasselt University (Belgium) and Chair in Organization Studies at the Utrecht University School of Governance (the Netherlands). One of the driving forces in critical management studies, she researches how ‘diversity’ – markers of difference including among other gender, ‘race’, disability and their intersections – is used as a principle of organizing to enforce exploitation and oppression for capital accumulation. Keeping class relations front and center in explanations of inequality, her work pushes diversity and inclusion scholarship towards more radical critique, beyond pleas for equal opportunities and non-discrimination within global neoliberal capitalism. With a background in economics, anthropology, and political science, she is committed to diversity research that is interdisciplinary and critical. She is currently working on diversity and precarity in Amazon, how digital technology mediates difference, and the possibility of a post-pandemic non-capitalist organization of the economy and society.

Patrizia has received awards for her master’s thesis, academic papers, dissertation and innovation in education. Her latest funded (collaborative) research projects are on digital logistics and intersectional equality policies. She does ‘civic’ scholarship with various communities including two teams in Hasselt and Utrecht, the editorial team of the journal Organization, practitioners and policy makers.


  • Zanoni, P. and Mir, R., 2022. COVID-19: Interrogating the capitalist organization of the economy and society through the pandemic. Organization, 29(3), pp.369-378.

  • Zanoni, P. and Miszczynski, M., 2022. Post-Diversity, Precarious Work for all: Unbordering Categories of Difference in an Amazon Warehouse. In Academy of Management Proceedings (Vol. 2022, No. 1, p. 16443). Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510: Academy of Management.

  • Romani, L., Zanoni, P. and Holck, L., 2021. Radicalizing diversity (research): Time to resume talking about class. Gender, Work & Organization, 28(1), pp.8-23.

  • Zanoni, P., Contu, A., Healy, S. and Mir, R., 2017. Post-capitalistic politics in the making: The imaginary and praxis of alternative economies. Organization, 24(5), pp.575-588.

  • Zanoni, P. and Janssens, M., 2015. The power of diversity discourses at work: On the interlocking nature of diversities and occupations. Organization Studies, 36(11), pp.1463-1483.

Massimo Prearo

Massimo Prearo

Massimo Prearo is a researcher in political science, scientific coordinator of the Research Center PoliTeSse – Politics and Theories of Sexuality at the University of Verona in Italy and co-chair of the Standing group Gender and Politics of the Italian Political Science Association. With a French dissertation (EHESS), he is better known in the Roman language parts of Europe until now, linked to his influential book publications in Italian and French. He is working mostly on anti-gender politics and movements at the moment, but was also very active in research on LGBTI+ mobilizations, migrants and asylum seekers, and sexual equality politics more broadly. He is one of the most knowledgeable scholars on the role of the Vatican and varieties of Catholicism on anti-gender campaigns in Europe. He succeeded in showing how Vatican politics are linked with the wider anti-gender camp in which both the conservative neo-Catholic movement and gender critical feminists have played key roles.

He is also a prolific translator between the French, Italian and English language domains for research articles in his field. He is currently involved in the institutionalization of an Italian network of gender and sexuality studies.


  • Prearo, M., 2021. The moral politics of LGBTI asylum: how the state deals with the SOGI framework. Journal of Refugee Studies, 34(2), pp.1454-1476.

  • Prearo, M., 2020. Italy’s LGBT Movement and Interest Groups. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics.

  • Lavizzari, A. and Prearo, M., 2019. The anti-gender movement in Italy: Catholic participation between electoral and protest politics. European societies, 21(3), pp.422-442.

  • Prearo, M., 2020. L’ipotesi neocattolica: Politologia dei movimenti anti-gender. Mimesis.

Maryna Shevtsova

Maryna Shevtsova

Maryna Shevtsova is a Ukrainian political scientist and LGBT rights activist with an interdisciplinary background in International Economic Relations, Gender Studies, Psychology, and Political Science. She is a Postdoctoral researcher at the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia and a Senior FWO Fellow at KU Leuven, Belgium. After finishing her PhD dissertation on LGBT movements in Turkey and Ukraine in Humboldt University, Berlin, she was a Fulbright scholar (University of Florida) and a Swedish Institute Fellow (Lund University). She also had visiting fellowships with the Aleksanteri Institute, University of Helsinki, and the Middle East Technical University, Ankara.

She is a co-founder of Equal Opportunities Platform, a Dnipro-based Ukrainian NGO working towards combatting discrimination and promoting gender equality. In 2022, she joined the board of AtGender, European Feminist Research Network.

She is proficient in Russian and Ukrainian, English, Spanish, and Italian. Her research centers on sexual diversity and equality, homophobia, on migration, on democratization and social struggle in Ukraine, the wider Eastern and Central European region, and Turkey. She is also involved in three academic or semi-academic initiatives helping researchers from Ukraine: UGS - Ukrainian Global scholars, UGU, Ukrainian Global University, and ScienceforUkraine for which she is the national coordinator in Slovenia.


  • Shevtsova, M. 2022. Looking for Stepan Bandera: The Myth of Ukrainian Nationalism and the Russian ‘Special Operation.’ Central European Journal of International and Security Studies.

  • Shevtsova, M. 2022. Religion, Nation, State, and Anti-Gender Politics in Georgia and Ukraine. Problems of Post-Communism.

  • Shevtsova, M. 2021. LGBTI politics and value change in Ukraine and Turkey: Exporting Europe? Routledge.

  • Shevtsova, M. 2022. Fighting ‘Gayropa’: instrumentalization of LGBT rights in Ukrainian public debate. Problems of Post-Communism.

  • Buyantueva, R. and Shevtsova, M. (eds.) 2019. LGBTQ+ Activism in Central and Eastern Europe: Resistance, Representation, and Identity. Palgrave Macmillan.

Madeleine Pape

Madeleine Pape

Madeleine Pape is a Senior Researcher at the Institute of Sports Science, University of Lausanne. From 2023-2026, she will be an Ambizione scholar of the Swiss National Science Foundation. Madeleine is also an inclusion specialist for the International Olympic Committee. She has contributed her double position as an elite athlete (competing at the top international level of track-and-field) and sociologist to public and policy discussions about the regulation of eligibility in elite women’s sport, writing and speaking in a wide range of media outlets. A sociologist by training (MS and PhD, University of Wisconsin-Madison), Madeleine’s work is at the intersection of sociology of gender and feminist Science and Technology Studies (STS). Her work has examined the epistemic politics surrounding gender equity and inclusion in sport and biomedicine, focusing in particular on the role of policymakers as epistemic actors who contribute to the production of ‘sex’ as a biological, binary entity. By analyzing the efforts of policymakers, scientists, and (some) feminist groups to institutionalize certain notions of sex and gender, Madeleine’s work shows how ‘sex’ is invariably an elusive, ambiguous, and dynamic entity that is always already entangled with race, nation, and other ideologies and structures of difference and inequality. Madeleine has published in some of the leading journals of her field including Gender & Society, Body & Society, Social Studies of Science, Health Sociology Review, Big Data & Society, and Sociology of Sport Journal.


  • Pape, M., 2019. Expertise and non-binary bodies: Sex, gender and the case of Dutee Chand. Body & society, 25(4), pp.3-28.

  • Pape, M., 2020. Gender segregation and trajectories of organizational change: The underrepresentation of women in sports leadership. Gender & Society, 34(1), pp.81-105.

  • Pape, M. and McLachlan, F., 2020. Gendering the coronavirus pandemic: Toward a framework of interdependence for sport. International Journal of Sport Communication, 13(3), pp.391-398.

  • Scheuerman, M.K., Pape, M. and Hanna, A., 2021. Auto-essentialization: Gender in automated facial analysis as extended colonial project. Big Data & Society, 8(2), p.1-15.

  • Pape, M., 2021. Lost in translation? Beyond sex as a biological variable in animal research. Health Sociology Review, 30(3), pp.275-291.

Judit Takács

Judit Takács

Judit Takács is a Research Professor at the Institute of Sociology of the Centre for Social Sciences (CSS) – Hungarian Academy of Sciences Centre of Excellence. Her main research interests cover family practices, childlessness, caring masculinities, the social history of homosexuality, homophobia and genderphobia. She also has extensive research experience in HIV/AIDS prevention, community engagement in the context of public health preparedness, and measuring social attitudes. 

She has degrees in History (1992 Budapest), Social Sciences (1994 Amsterdam), holds a Ph.D. in Sociology (2002), a Diploma Habilitationis (2011), and the Doctor of Science title (2019) awarded by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Her work has received multiple awards already. Her most recent publications include an edited volume on the Paradoxical Right-Wing Sexual Politics in Europe, a book chapter on How to Conserve Kertbeny’s Grave? A Case of Post-Communist Queer Necrophilia, and co-authored articles on Liberating Pathologization? The Historical Background of the 1961 Decriminalization of Homosexuality in Hungary (with T. PTóth) and Democracy deficit and homophobic divergence in 21st century Europe (with I. Szalma).;

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