Emma Goldman Award 2020
Prof.dr. Akwugo Emejulu
Prof.dr. Akwugo Emejulu is Professor of Sociology at Warwick University.
Akwugo Emejulu is consistently analysing our Western society, most strongly the UK and the US, in how it produces and reproduces inequalities on race, class and gender, with a strong focus on women of colour’s activism and their strategies for survival and for societal change. Intersectionality is key to her, and real. She is outspoken, active in and outside of university settings, and working together with many others in her work. She has a stellar record on public engagement, and worked in a variety of grassroots roles before entering academia.
She has published extensively, not only academically, but also by writing reports, briefing papers, editorials, blogs, and through her presence in social and classic media. She is one of the very few scholars theorizing Black feminism in Europe. As one of the too few Black female professors in the UK, she is always negotiating the dominant discourses of racialized, and gendered European academia and societies. Her work has a great and much needed impact on gender and politics scholarship.
Emejulu, A. (forthcoming 2020) Fugitive Feminism. London: Silver Press.
Emejulu, A. and Sobande, F. (eds) (2019) To Exist is to Resist: Black Feminism in Europe. London: Pluto Press.
Bassel, L. and Emejulu, A. (2017) Minority Women and Austerity: Survival and Resistance in France and Britain. Bristol: Policy Press.
This book is the subject of a Special Review Symposium for the Journal of Ethnic and Racial Studies in 2018, 41(13):
Bassel, L. and Emejulu, A. (2018) 'Mourning the Old World Whilst Building the New? A Rejoinder', Journal of Ethnic and Racial Studies Book Review Symposium on Bassel, L. and Emejulu, A. (2017) Minority Women and Austerity
Akwugo Emejulu was interviewed about this book for the New Books in Critical Theory podcast:
Prof.dr. Amade M’charek
Prof.dr. Amade M’charek is Professor of Anthropology of Science, University of Amsterdam.
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Amade M’charek is one of the very rare scholars who look into the ir/relevance of race in science and society simultaneously. Her entry point for this is forensics and forensic anthropology. In her research, she adds a much needed and new perspective where she looks at race, gender and sexuality; where she studies how differences along racialised, sexualised and gendered lines are made, and displayed, and how they function as a base for societal inequality and injustice. She has initiated a chair, seminars, research programs and successfully funded projects to enable these lines of study, creating many opportunities for other, often younger scholars.
Her very many public outreach activities are testimony to her public spirit and engagement, and they include reaching out to art, through her contributions to exhibitions.
She is also Chair of the Stichting Drowned Migrant Cemetery (, a foundation that is committed to setting up a dignified cemetery for drowned migrants in Zarzis, in her native Tunisia.
M’charek, A., V. Toom & L. Jong (2020) “The Trouble with Race in Forensic Identification” Science, Technology & Human Values,
Plájás, I., A. M’charek & H. van Baar (2019) “Knowing ‘the Roma’: Visual technologies of sorting populations and the policing of mobility in Europe” Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 37(4): 589–605.
M’charek, A. & S. Casartelli (2019) “Identifying dead migrants: forensic care work and relational citizenship.” Citizenship Studies. 23(7): 738-757.
M’charek, A. K. Schramm & D. Skinner (2014) Guest editors Special Issue “Technologies of Belonging: The Absent Presence of Race in Europe”, in Science, Technology and Human Values 39(4).
M’charek, A. (2013) “Beyond fact or fiction: On the materiality of race in practice”, in Cultural Anthropology 28:420–442.
Documentary with Amade M’charek, about the consequences of Fortress Europe, and the fate of the drowned migrants in Zarzis:​
Dr. Andrea Krizsan
Dr. Andrea Krizsan is Research Fellow at the Center for Policy Studies, and Adjunct faculty in the rank of Associate Professor at the School of Public Policy at Central European University, Budapest.
Coming from the study of international minority protection and anti-discrimination, Andrea Krizsan has initiated and contributed substantially to an impressive set of comparative studies on gender and intersectionality in East and Central Europe, thereby countering and challenging the ongoing unwillingness of Western European scholars to understand the Europe outside the small, but still hegemonic West. She never tires of seeing and creating opportunities for herself and others to open the field for new topics, methods, teaching or research projects, always bringing her deep expertise, enthusiasm, engagement and working power to them.
In her very strong list of publications, often collaborating closely with others, gender-based violence is one of the important issues that she is addressing, but also the institutionalization of intersectionality, and democratic backsliding.
On this last topic, together with Conny Roggeband, she has also presented a background paper last year at the CSW, the UN Commission on the Status of Women, in New York.
Krizsan, A. and C. Roggeband (eds) (2019) Gendering Democratic Backsliding in Central and Eastern Europe. A comparative agenda. CEU CPS E-book Series.
Roggeband, C. and A. Krizsan (2019) Democratic backsliding and backlash against women’s rights: Understanding the current challenges for feminist politics. Background paper prepared for UN Women Expert Group Meeting Sixty-fourth session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW 64). New York, New York 25-26 September 2019.
Krizsan, Roggeband (under contract with Palgrave) The Politics of the Istanbul Convention on Violence against Women and Domestic Violence. Expected Fall 2020
Krizsan, A. and C. Roggeband (2018) The Gender Politics of Domestic Violence. Feminists engaging the state in Central and Eastern Europe. New York: Routledge.
Krizsan, A., H. Skjeie, J. Squires eds. (2012) Institutionalizing Intersectionality. Palgrave MacMillan.
Dr.R. Lucas Platero
Dr. R. Lucas Platero is Juan de la Cierva Researcher at the Social Psychology Department (Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona) and director of publications for trans* studies at Bellaterra Publishing House.
Lucas Platero’s academic journey is strongly linked to his activist life. As a student he was active in feminist and lesbian feminist organisations and also helped to create Spain’s first LGBT university organization in 1994 (RQTR). He has gradually shifted his social activism to an activism based on academic research, to which he has made multiple contributions. He has a double line of publications: the first line is intended for an academic audience in research journals, specializing in political and social attention to sexuality and gender relations in the Spanish context, but also on queer pedagogies, intersectional relationships between disability, gender and sexuality, and public policies. The second line includes a series of 9 books accessible to a general audience, in Spanish.
He has combined academic work with being a vocational training teacher during the last fifteen years (2004-2019), focusing on socio-community interventions. Nevertheless, he has received many well-deserved Spanish awards for his research, and also for his dissertation.
He participated in numerous (Spanish and European) research projects.
Since the start of his transition process, 10 years ago, he is part of a small academic activist community. This is visible in his role in the Bellaterrra Publishing House.
Platero, R.L. and Rosón, M., 2019. “‘Neither male or female, just Falete’: Resistance and queerness on Spanish TV screens”. Catalan Journal of Communication & Cultural Studies, 11(1), pp.133-143.
Dierckx, M., and R. Lucas Platero. 2018. "The meaning of trans* in a family context." Critical Social Policy 38.1: 79-98.
Platero, R. Lucas and Ortega-Arjonilla, E., 2016. “Building coalitions: The interconnections between feminism and trans* activism in Spain”. Journal of Lesbian Studies, 20(1), pp.46-64.
Moscoso, M. and R. L. Platero, 2015. “Cripwashing: the abortion debates at the crossroads of gender and disability in the Spanish media”, Continuum, 31(3), pp.470-481.
Guzmán, P. and Platero, R.L., 2014. “The critical intersections of disability and non-normative sexualities in Spain”. Annual Review of Critical Psychology, 11, pp.359-387.
Platero, R., 2011. “The narratives of transgender rights mobilization in Spain”. Sexualities, 14(5), pp.597-614.
Platero, R., 2011. “Love and the State: Gay marriage in Spain”. Feminist Legal studies 15, 329-340.
Dr. Marta Rawłuszko
Dr. Marta RawÅ‚uszko, is Assistant Professor, University of Warsaw · Institute of Applied Social Studies, and co-founder of the Fundusz Feministyczny, a Feminist Fund in Poland (
Marta RawÅ‚uszko is a sociologist with a background in public policy research, a former gender equality consultant and trainer. The interaction between the feminist movements and the state, and what are the effects of this on the possibilities for feminist change, is at the heart of her work. In her research on this, she shows a rare talent for grasping ambivalences, unintended effects and complexities. Her research and work for NGO’s focuses on gender and sexuality, anti-discrimination, education and gendered violence.
In current difficult times, two years ago, she has co-founded and realized, a new Polish feminist foundation (Femfund) that allocates small grants for activism led by women, transgender, non-binary and queer persons, using the very innovative method of participatory grant making. This initiative shows great and much needed courage and civil society entrepreneurship. As a researcher, she is closely investigating and evaluating what the strengths and weaknesses of this method are, to contribute to further knowledge.
RawÅ‚uszko, M, 2020. “Feminist in Cooperation with the State. A Case Study” [In Polish], Warsaw University Press, Warsaw. Forthcoming March 2020.
Rawłuszko, M., 2019. Gender mainstreaming revisited: Lessons from Poland. European Journal of Women's Studies, 26(1), pp.70-84.
Rawłuszko, M., 2019. And If the Opponents of Gender Ideology Are Right? Gender Politics, Europeanization, and the Democratic Deficit. Politics & Gender, pp.1-23.
About Femfund: Created in 2018 FemFund is the only women’s grantmaking fund in Poland. It was set up in the context of skyrocketing backlash, to support feminist movements. FemFund provides flexible small grants for feminist activism and organising via a participatory grantmaking model. The Fund is a feminist community, focused on values such as solidarity, equality, justice, mutual assistance, joint decision-making, and shared ownership. It also aims to encourage feminist philanthropy at country and community level to make feminist movements more resilient and resistant to attacks on women’s human rights.
Dr. Rossella Ciccia
Dr. Rossella Ciccia is Lecturer in Social Policy, Queen’s University Belfast and Marie-Sklodowska-Curie-Fellow, Department of Political and Social Sciences, Scuola Normale Superiore, Florence.
Rossella Ciccia, in her work on gender and welfare states, has a steady track record of solid theoretical and methodological innovation. She is a creative and rigorous scholar with exceptional expertise in comparative social policy, inequality and care. In this, she has worked with, and influenced, a wide range of colleagues across Europe. In her work she pushes disciplinary boundaries, more recently by integrating attention to the role of contentious politics and social movements in analysis of welfare state reform. She collaborates with several research communities, including the Gender Equality Policy in Practice (GEPP) research network which advances knowledge on what happens with policies in real life implementation. She is a prolific conference organizer, promoting new perspectives, most lately in the 2019 conference she organised with others in Florence on “Feminist alliances: the discourses, practices and politics of solidarity among inequalities”. These contributions, combined with her vast knowledge on welfare state dynamics and impacts, show great promise for the future.
Ciccia R. and E. Lombardo (eds.) (2019) “Care policies in practice: the role of actors, discourses, and institutions in policy implementation”, Policy & Society 38(4)
Ciccia R. and Guzman-Concha C. “Reforming welfare states in times of austerity: protest and the politics of unemployment insurance”. In Arp Fallov, M. and Blad C. (eds. Social Welfare Responses in a Neoliberal Era, Leiden: Brill Publishers
Ciccia R. and D. Sainsbury (2018), “Gendering Welfare State Analysis: Tensions between Care and Paid Work”, European Journal in Politics & Gender, (1) 1-2: 93-109.
Ciccia R. (2017) “A two step-approach for the analysis of hybrids in comparative social policy analysis: a nuanced typology of childcare policies between policies and regimes”, Quality & Quantity, 51(6): 2761–2780.
Ciccia R. and Bleijenbergh I. (2014) “After the Male Breadwinner Model? Childcare Services and the Division of Labour in Europe”, Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State & Society 21(1) 50-79